Plant Establishment: on average the root system of a shrub will be well established after one year, and a tree after three years. New plants need to be watered more frequently. The schedule below offers guidelines to help new plants get established.
Weeks 1 & 2 – Water every 1-2 days in summer, every 3-4 days fall through spring.
Weeks 3 & 4 – Water every 3-4 days in summer, every 6-7 days fall through spring.
Weeks 5 & 6 – Water every 4-6 days in summer, every 7-10 days fall through spring.
Weeks 7 & 8 – Water every 7 days in summer, every 10-14 days fall through spring.
After week 8 – Gradually extend the time between irrigations until plants are established.
After the eighth week, move the drip emitters to the outer edge of the root ball.
**High water use plants will require more frequent irrigations.**
To determine the watering frequency that is best for your landscape, simply take these variables – plant type and size, soil type, and plant establishment, into account. Through observation and periodic checks for underwatering and overwatering, you will get a feel for your plants’ water needs.
The following watering schedule includes guidelines for many types of established landscape plants. Again, check periodically for plant stress and adjust irrigation schedules as needed.
Plant Type | Spring (Mar-May) |
Summer (May-Oct) |
Fall (Oct-Dec) |
Winter (Dec-Mar) |
Watering Depth |
TREES Desert Adapted |
14-30 days |
7-21 days |
14-30 days |
30-60 days |
24-36 in. |
TREES High Water Use |
7-12 days |
7-10 days |
7-12 days |
14-30 days |
24-36 in. |
SHRUBS Desert Adapted |
14-30 days |
7-21 days |
14-30 days |
30-45 days |
18-24 in. |
SHRUBS High Water Use |
7-10 days |
5-7 days |
7-10 days |
10-14 days |
18-24 in. |
GROUND COVERS Desert Adapted |
14-30 days |
7-21 days |
14-30 days |
21-45 days |
8-12 in. |
GROUND COVERS High Water Use |
7-10 days |
2-5 days |
7-10 days |
10-14 days |
8-12 in. |
CACTI & SUCCULENTS | 21-45 days |
14-30 days |
21-45 days |
if needed | 8-12 in. |
ANNUALS | 3-7 days |
2-5 days |
3-7 days |
5-10 days |
8-12 in. |
WARM SEASON GRASS | 4-14 days |
3-6 days |
6-21 days |
15-30 days |
6-10 in. |
COOL SEASON GRASS | 3-7 days |
none | 3-10 days |
7-14 days |
6-10 in. |
These guidelines are for established plants (1 yr. for shrubs, 3 yrs. for trees.) Less water is needed during cool or rainy weather. Additional water is needed for new plantings or unusually hot, dry weather. Water to the depth indicated and to the outer edge of the plant’s canopy. Drip run times are typically 2 hours or more for each watering.