Showing all 77 results
Bougainvillea Vine
There are many varieties and colors of Bougainvillea vines. The foliage is bright to deep green and may reach 30 feet. Vines are staked and come in colors of Brazil Purple and Royal Purple, Gold and Rainbow Gold, Orange, Pink, and White.
(Leucanthemum maximum)
(Gerbera jamesonii)
(Argyranthemum frutescens)
Rain Lily
(Zephyranthus grandiflora) pink
(Zephyranthus candida) white
(Zephyranthus sulphurea) yellow
Trichocereus Hybrid
This flowering torch hybrid cactus is sold in southwestern and Sonoran Desert nurseries. Most Trichocereus species have a white flower. Hybrids bloom in so many colors, from bright pink, light pink, bright yellow, light yellow, orange, red and more. The flowers open at night and close in the mid afternoon … Read More