Turf Royale 21-7-14 is a combination of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium designed to maximize crop yield and quality.
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Turf Royale 21-7-14 is a combination of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium designed to maximize crop yield and quality.
This product provides excellent post-emergent broadleaf weed control on cool and warm season grasses, while providing much needed nutrients to turf. Results in 7 to 10 days.
Recommended fertilizer of choice for tomatoes and vegetables. It is natural and organic. HAPPY FROG
This product contains over 60 nutrient growth promoting substances, which enhance flower production, plant vigor, and overall plant growth. It produces exceptional results. 100% organic. GrowMore
Dr. Earth Rose & Flower fertilizer is great for all roses, flowers, flowering trees, and shrubs, as well as annuals and perennials. No synthetic chemicals, chicken manure or toxic ingredients. Handcrafted from feed grade ingredients. Enriched with organic nutrients found naturally in land plants, ocean plants, fish, fish bones, and … Read More
This product corrects manganese deficiency in palm trees. It is used mostly for Queen Palms. If you notice frizzle top, it should be added to any fertilizer regiment. Arizona’s Best
Green Maker is a grass fertilizer sold in garden centers and plant nurseries in Arizona. It is a premium lawn food especially formulated for alkaline soils. Iron makes lawns greener. You will see best results when used every 4 to 6 weeks during the growing season. Fertilome
Recommended fertilizer of choice for all plants. It is natural and organic.
Worm Gold Plus Earthworm Castings eliminate the need for artificial or chemical foods in your plants. Once worm castings have been added to your soil, your plants will draw essential nutrients from the castings. They are odorless and safe around kids and pets. An organic way to super charge your … Read More
If you notice your plants turning yellow, this could be iron deficiency. Chelate Iron corrects iron deficiency in plants.
This dry organic fertilizer feeds blooming plants with extra phosphorus to enhance root development and provide extra color to beautiful blooms all season. It is ideal for all flowering and fruiting plants. HI-YIELD
Soluble in water, this fertilizer puts a high source of nitrogen into the soil, making it rich for plant growth. Ideal for lawns, trees, shrubs, gardens, and citrus. Arizona Best 16-20-0 Lawn & Garden
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