This product contains corn gluten meal. It controls weeds naturally. It is recommended for the control of clover and dandelions, but mainly crabgrass in our desert areas. It is granulated and easy to apply with a spreader.
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This product contains corn gluten meal. It controls weeds naturally. It is recommended for the control of clover and dandelions, but mainly crabgrass in our desert areas. It is granulated and easy to apply with a spreader.
This product provides excellent post-emergent broadleaf weed control on cool and warm season grasses, while providing much needed nutrients to turf. Results in 7 to 10 days.
Monterey Weed Impede is a great pre-emergence herbicide for use on ornamentals, trees, roses, bulbs, ground covers, shrubs, rock gardens, driveways, and unplanted areas. It is very economical to use. One quart treats 10-20,000 square feet and lasts up to 6 months to control grasses and weeds.
Use to control sprouts and sucker growth on apples, olives, pears, non-bearing citrus and ornamental woody plants. It assists in the proper pruning of fruit trees. It supports the growth of strong, well-spaced branches for more sun exposure.
Stump remover is a granular potassium nitrate that, when applied, kills and slowly disintegrates.
Bonide Stump and Vine Killer kills without harming desirable plants. It keeps stumps from re-sprouting after cutting. It uses a selective systemic herbicide that is taken up quickly by roots, shoots, and foliage of target plants.
This product is a three way, post emergent, selective broadleaf herbicide for use on residential turf. Fertilome
This product is used to increase the efficiency of your herbicide or pesticide application, helping it to stick to plants and to penetrate better.
Formerly known as Manage Herbicide, Sedgehammer controls both yellow and purple nut grass in cool season and warm season turf grasses. It works best when mixed with a professional spreader sticker.
Use this product when total vegetation kill of both weeds and grass is needed. It is a post emergent herbicide with no soil residual activity. Quik Pro for Quick Action
Hi-Yield Killzall Weed & Grass Killer is a post-emergent, non-selective herbicide with a multiple use formulation. Killzall contains a formulation that dries fast to start working quickly to eliminate systemically broadleaf or grassy weeds, for lawn renovation, prevents stump regrowth, and areas near fences, paths, patios, driveways, and buildings.
This product prevents fruit formation on apple, buckeye, carob, cottonwood, crabapple, elm, flowering pear, maple, oak, and olive trees. It is used mainly on olive trees in the Phoenix area. It also controls mistletoe.
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