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(Citrus aurantifolia)

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There are several varieties of Lime trees.  Among them are Bearss Lime, Palestine Sweet Lime, Aussie Finger Lime, Kaffir Lime, and Thornless Mexican Limes, as well as dwarf varieties.  Once Mexican Limes reach full maturity, usually in autumn to early winter, they drop from the tree.

The Bearss Lime is a larger, oval, seedless, dark green fruit that has a milder flavor.

The Palestine Sweet Lime is a lemon sized fruit, light green to yellow, with a sweet juice that lacks acidity (sourness).

The Aussie Finger Lime has smaller leaves.  This species is known as lime caviar because the flesh is made up of small, round, thin skinned drops.  It has fewer seeds and a pleasant lime like flavor.

Kaffir Limes have fragrant leaves used in Asian cooking.  They have bumpy green to yellow rinds.

Mexican Limes are also known as Key Limes, Bartender’s Limes, and West Indian Limes.  The Key Lime is smaller, seedier, has higher acidity, a stronger aroma and a thinner rind.

Mature citrus trees should be fertilized in February, May and September.

Plant Information

Plant Type

Small Tree


Asia, West Indies

Size (H x W)

15' – 20' Tall, Dwarf Varieties 6' – 10' Tall


Full Sun


Regular, Weekly, Slow, Deep