Radishes are easy to grow and ready to harvest in just 3 to 6 weeks. They will yield best in full sun with well drained soil, providing plentiful and consistent moisture.
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(Raphanus sativus)
Radishes are easy to grow and ready to harvest in just 3 to 6 weeks. They will yield best in full sun with well drained soil, providing plentiful and consistent moisture.
The secret to producing good tomatoes in the desert is to get them planted early and expect to finish harvesting before the heat of summer sets in. The best way to plant tomatoes is to set out 6-inch transplants beginning in February. Many varieties such as Beef Stake, Big Boy, … Read More
(Lavandula stoechas)
(Lavandula dentata)
(Lavandula heterophylla)
(Lavandula pinnata)
(Lavandula augustifolia)
We have several varieties of pepper plants to choose from. Grow jalepeño plants in a location with full sunlight. The plants will eventually grow to nearly 3 feet high. During the hottest times of the summer in Arizona you may need to provide shade for pepper plants.
We have a large selection of herbs to get you on your way to a garden like this one.
We have a large selection of herbs and vegetables. They can be purchased in 6 packs, 4″ pots, 1 gallon pots, and a limited quantity of 5 gallon container size.
Our current economic situation is a good reason to start a victory garden. Every time that food is shipped from the farm to the store and your table, gasoline is used. As gasoline prices rise, food costs rise. Each one of us has an impact on the environment and can … Read More
Plant Brussels Sprouts 24 inches apart in rich soil in a full sun area. Provide steady, consistent moisture, fertilizing a month after planting. This cabbage family vegetable requires a long growing season of 80 days or more and is more successful when grown for a fall or early winter harvest.
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